Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Speaking of things that need repairs

(Disclaimer: There are three posts in a row here where I am detailing the starting point of my new project.  I may get a little smart-alecky in some comments, but I want everyone to know that I do truly love this dollhouse and think it is beautiful.  And I especially love that it was put together by my Grandpa, and decorated by others in my family.  That said, there are a few things that I definitely want to change now that I can!)

Meet the Dolls!
You know what?  I have mixed feelings about this.  About dolls in general, not the mom's busted skull.  Although the dad's moustache is a little disturbing.  Wait, what was I saying?  Oh yeah.  See I've looked at a lot of other well-finished dollhouses online over the last few days, getting ideas and inspiration, and there have been some just drop-dead gorgeous houses that almost look real in the pictures, right up until you see the dolls.  And then it brings me right back to reality.  It's kind of like in a movie when you just get all into what's going on, and then they dial a 555 number and a neuron misfires in your brain and you remember that you're sitting in a theater with someone else's old popcorn stuck to your feet.  No matter how good your dolls are, they're still dolls.

Also I just realized that I said "a lot of OTHER well-finished dollhouses" when I should have just said "a lot of well-finished dollhouses".  Mine is well-assembled.  The finishing is, well, unfinished to say the least.

Back to the dolls.  I'm sure I'll leave them in the house, because otherwise it's kind of creepy to be peering into a house while the owners are away.  But I just had to get that off my chest. 

And speaking of things which are well-assembled. 
Yeah, Real Mom and I had to glue Girl's head back together.  The back room of Mom and Dad's basement has a cement floor, and I had dolls with porcelain heads.  You do the math.  Their bodies are soft, but their heads are shatter-prone.  We found all the pieces but that one, and did a pretty good job gluing. 
Which brings me to Doll Mom.  I'll be honest with you, I didn't even remember that her head had broken.  I wonder if it was a late-breaking story.  Get it?  Breaking?  Oh man, I gotta go lie down. 
She's missing a bigger piece!  Also, she's not really hunch-backed.  I'm just holding her funny.  The good news is her face is all still here (my fingers are holding the broken pieces in place)
I found a fairly easy-to-understand tutorial online showing how to put realistic-looking hair on doll heads, so I think a quick trip to the salon will fix up Momma and Girl quite nicely.  Both their faces are fine, it's just random skull chunks that are missing.  If not hair, then hats or bonnets. 

Anyway, that was why I said a couple days ago that Doll Mom didn't help pack for their big move.  It's hard to do much of anything when you have a literal hole in your head.

That is going to be the very last thing though.  Like I said, dolls kinda trip me up a bit.  And the biggest reason I wanted to take on this project was to get the lights going again.  I love random lighting in a room.  I think my favorite thing about Christmas is just having the Christmas lights on and not the overhead lights and lamps.  Oooooooh yeah and I want Christmas lights for the dollhouse!  Thank goodness that's still over a half a year away... I should probably get the rest of the lights working first.

And speaking of working... maybe I should finally get started!

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