Monday, June 27, 2011

Stop And Smell The Roses

Except don't really smell them.  You'll be sorely disappointed!
I just realized there's still a sheet of plywood laying on top of the dollhouse.  I'd forgotten it was there until I saw this picture.  Hmm.  Anyway, is it too difficult to see in this picture?  If you click on the pic, it should load a larger view. 

Or better yet, I'll zoom in!

I'm so proud of my little flowers.  I don't actually know if they're roses or not.  I made them using the technique for creating roses out of fondant for cake decorating, but I only got about a third of the way through the process per flower before they were the right size and I had to stop or I'd have ended up with goofy too-big-for-scale flowers.  They're almost a rose/tulip hybrid.  Or something.  I don't know.  Wanna see one close-up?
Yep, I made that all by myself!

I filled the boxes using some stuff from the model train room.  I cut pink foam insulation to fill the inner space of the boxes:
That wire thingy just melts right through the foam.  Also, the entertainment of the day on the laptop is Futurama.  If nothing else, this blog has shown me just what a complete and total nerd I am!  Anyway, I ended up with little rectangles, which I then topped with some plant-life-colored ground cover model train stuff:
Because seriously, I definitely didn't want any Pepto-Bismol-pink showing through! 

Then it was just a case of gluing on the flowers and leaves. 

Here's a couple shots of my new gear box, mostly full of clay but also the tiny knitting is towards the back:

It's oven-bake clay, so all those blocks of unformed clay stay soft, but the flowers and leaves are rock-hard.  Yay!  I thought I'd made enough for all 5 window boxes, but I just barely got 3 done before I ran out of both flowers and leaves.  One day soon I'll have to make more. 

Okay that was probably way more than anyone ever wanted to know about making polymer clay flowers, but I'm tired and a bit delirious so you all get bored silly. 

The other exciting update is that I got a new kitchen set!  Here it is, in my real kitchen:
The egg carton is waiting to go to the basement too.  It, with about a dozen of its brothers, are soon eventually going to become a new stone chimney for the fireplace.  More on that later.  Much later.  And yes, the kitchen came with two pieces already broken off, but it was an easy glue-job.  All better!  Pictures of the set inside the dollhouse will come later.  I still haven't decided exactly how to arrange the room.  I'd come up with an idea before the stuff got here, but it doesn't quite fit right in the space... so I'm back to the drawing board.  I have options though!

Haven't done much lately in the way of papering the walls.  I need to place an order for more lights first.  I did finally get the last of the wallpaper though!  Well, technically still don't know what I'm doing on two walls of the bathroom.  But I got everything else.  Just haven't gotten much work done, I had a busy week of actually being out and having a social life!  I know, shocking.  But today is gray and rainy and I can either do real-house housework or I can work on the dollhouse.  Tough call!  Only not really.


  1. Awesome job!! the flowers look great!

  2. Trish-- This looks so amazing! You are doing a fantastic job with this. I wish I had a quarter of the artistic and craft talent as you. :) Awesome!!!! :) (I would add more smiley faces and explanation points, but I am told I overuse them enough as it is....)

  3. Thanks, both of you! Don't worry Megan, I'm a chronic over-user of smileys and exclamation points too...
